The 4th Annual Odysseus Hackathon held in January 2024 was a resounding success, with over 85 employees participating in the 24-hour competition. Divided into 13 teams, participants collaborated passionately to transform their innovative ideas into functional applications.

The hackathon encompassed various stages including application scoping, development, testing, and presentation. Throughout the event, teams were supported by a dedicated mentorship group comprising individuals such as Monish Luthra, Dragos, Rignesh Dave, Jay Shah, Pramod Navani and others, who provided assistance and guidance as needed. Additionally, the presence of a lively cheerleading squad Social Committee (SoCo Team) ensured that energy levels remained high among the participants.

At the mark of 24-hours, each team had the opportunity to showcase their creations to the entire organization and the management team.

The winning team, Code Cadets, emerged victorious with their project titled “Elevating Efficiency,” which addressed two key topics: 1. Booking Flow Logs Downloader and 2. Multi-Factor Authentication Using Authenticators.

The success of the Code Cadets underscores the talent and dedication of the Odysseus employees, showcasing their ability to innovate and collaborate effectively within a challenging timeframe.