Odysseus organized its 3rd Annual Hackathon Competition in January 2023. Normally, the Odysseus Hackathon lasts 24 hours, but this year it lasted 32 hours, and it was wonderful to have 85+ employees participating. They collaborated passionately and enthusiastically to make their ideas into an app.

The Odysseus Hackathon typically comprises of application scoping, development, testing and presentation. The competition featured six teams, each with engineers, QA, and design resources. A fantastic cheerleading squad helps keep the energy levels high and there are many shared tools that aid each team. Throughout the event, a mentorship group consisting of Dragos, Jay, Rignesh, Monish, and others was on hand to provide assistance as needed.

At the 30 hour mark, the teams had the opportunity to show the entire organization and the management team what they had built. We had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize awards from the judges, who score the teams on the idea, code, # of errors in code, and presentation skills.

The Winning team – ODYBEEZ 
improved the performance of search leveraging elastic search, we can now access hotel content data more quickly.